A Studyof The Impact of Customer Relationship Management in TNSC Bank, Chennai
N. Sudhakaran, Dr. N. Ramu

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the establishment, development, maintenance and optimization of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and the organizations. Effective CRM implementation requires coordination of channels, technologies, customers and employees. At the heart of a perfect CRM strategy is the creation of mutual value for all parties involved in the business process. The present study is to analyze the impact of customer relationship management in TNSC bank and to investigate the respondents’ perception and the benefits of CRM in the banking industry. The present study is based on the primary data, analyzed with the help of appropriate tools of analysis. The Methodology used for the study is descriptive as well as analytical design. The employees of Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Bank (TNSC) opined that their first preference was awareness factor followed by implementing factor and importance factor as per result of rotated components matrix. The ranking analysis of the employee’s perception of the CRM Techniques used in TNSC Bank, the Marketing Management ranks first as CRM Techniques ,the Knowledge Management second and Call Centre Automation third.

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