Actual Reasons behind the Implementation of Risk Disclosure Guidelines by SECarisingfrom the Euro Debt Crisis and Risk Phenomenon: Conceptual Reviews
Farahnaz Orojali Zadeh,Alireza Eskandari
Journal of Finance and Bank Management, 1(1), pp. 28-36.


A review and discussion of the media report (internet website news) regarding the euro debt crisis is presented in this study. The review points out the essential reactions by the European Union in addressing the enormous risks that they are facing. The study will briefly discuss the published guidelines by SEC and their observation about the disclosure levels of financial and non- financial institutions based on the direct and indirect exposures to the debt occurring in a few European Union countries.

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Zadeh, Orojali Farahnaz., & Eskandari, Alireza. (2013). Actual Reasons behind the Implementation of Risk Disclosure Guidelines by SECarisingfrom the Euro Debt Crisis and Risk Phenomenon: Conceptual Reviews. Journal of Finance and Bank Management, 1(1), pp. 28-36.

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Farahnazorojali Zadeh is a PhD candidate of financial accounting at university Teknologi Malaysia – International business school since Oct 2011. She has expected to complete his PhD by end of 2014. Begins of his PhD she worked for 1 year as a position of head of financial accounting at Atlas Business Group in Malaysia. She graduated her master in MBA subject of finance and investment from National University Malaysia (UKM-GSB) by Sep 2011. Before starting his master in Malaysia, he worked for 6 years’ experience in area of Accounting at Tehran. She has title of professional jobs for 7 years in several positions from starting her bachelor of Business Administration in Iran. He starts his professional career from 2002 till 2013. By starting her PhD, He has launched his research area of risk disclosure, risk management and cost of equity capital in capital market. He has corresponds and co-author with her husband to publish their researches in their research academic life. She had participation in some conferences in Malaysia.


Alireza Eskanadri is a PhD candidate of accounting at university Teknologi Malaysia – International business school since Oct 2011. He expected to complete his PhD by end of 2014. Begins of his PhD he worked for 2 years as a position of financial accounting manager at Atlas companies in Malaysia. He graduates his master in MBA subject of finance and investment from National University Malaysia (UKM-GSB) by Sep 2011. Before starting his master in Malaysia, he worked for 13 years’ experience in area of Auditing, and Accounting at Tehran and also member of board directors of accounting services company “kavoshgaranSehatHesab institute ”. He has title of professional jobs for 15 years in several positions from starting his bachelor of accounting in Iran. He starts his professional career from 1998 till 2013. He is member of “Accounting professional Association in Iran” and ACCA.

By starting his PhD, He has launched his research area of corporate governance, audit quality and cost of capital (debt and equity). He has corresponds and co-author with his wife to publish their researches in their research academic life. He had participation in some conferences in Malaysia.