Capital Structure Decision: An Overview
Kennedy Prince Modugu
Journal of Finance and Bank Management, 1(1), pp. 14-27.


Capital structure decision poses a lot of challenges to firms. Determining an appropriate mix of equity and debt is one of the most strategic decisions public interest entities are confronted with. A wrong financing decision has the tendency of stalling the fortunes of any business. Therefore, if managers are to achieve the goal of wealth maximization, conscious steps must be taken in the right direction and at the right time to identify those factors that must be taken into cognizance in determining appropriate financing mix. It is upon this premise that this conceptual piece is designed to guide the top echelons of corporate managers in capital structure decisions. The paper explores a vast body of literature in articulating critical issues in capital structure decision.

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Kennedy Prince Modugu is a lecturer of Accounting and Finance at University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. His career spans both accounting and corporate financial management. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in Accounting. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Accounting at the University of Benin postgraduate school. His research interests lie in Accounting, Taxation and Finance where he has published several articles in both national and international journals. He is member of reputable professional associations namely; Nigeria Institute of Management (Chartered), Institute of Entrepreneurs, among others. He is a seasoned orator and motivational speaker. He has delivered public lectures on national and global issues in political and economic. His students call him “professor” as a result of his pedagogical display in classroom.